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A continuación, te mostramos algunos comentarios realizados por nuestros clientes, para mas detalles puedes visitar nuestro perfil de Tripadvisor pulsando el botón que encontraras mas abajo.

Satie37  (mar. de 2020) Toronto, Canadá

Amazing Photography Tour and Incredible Guide

"We spent a shortened amount of time in Atacama due to Covid-19 however, our pre-booking a private photography tour with Pato created a memorable stay and we actually left with good memories and a commitment to return. I cannot say enough good things about Pato and his company Volcan Paniri Tours. If you are a photographer - or even if you are not - Pato is one of the few actual certified guides in San Pedro and has a wealth of knowledge about every aspect of the area. He also lives in the Atacama and has a deep respect and love of the natural beauty and enthusiasm to share. We spent 2 full days with Pato and during that time learnt about the geology, animals, some of the ecological challenges, astronomy (we did some night photography and star gazing), social, political and climate issues specific to Atacama. This was NOT a cookie cutter tour typical of others one can sign up for in Atacama. Pato met with us the evening before our day with him to discuss the plan for the next day and discover our interests. It is obvious he is a serious photographer and has scouted out the best photo locations and also is mindful of lighting and time of day for photography. He picked us up before sunrise to take us to the first location......he was generous in his knowledge and assisted us if we had technical or composition questions. There was NEVER any rush to move to the next location and there was also never any issue of stopping along the way should we wish to take photos. In fact, he often would point out a potential photo op. There was always water available for drinking and Pato put on an amazing breakfast and lunch spread - complete with portable picnic table. Personally, I think he was having as much fun as we were and he also brought along an extra tripod (good he did as mine malfunctioned) and his own camera. I also had an opportunity to take some videos with my drone! Our two days with Pato were in sharp contrast to our half day tour with another company in San Pedro.....where our guide seemed more focused on keeping company with the driver than engaging with us in any meaningful way. Very little water on board (thankgoodness we brought our own) and more of a drop off and collect when you are finished attitude. The driver even parked the van right in the most scenic spot and we had to request he move. We will no doubt be back to Atacama for a hopefully longer stay and will be seeking out Volcan Paniri Tours and Pato."

Elena(mar. de 2020) Estado de Nueva York


Nos alojamos en Atacama por 3 noches y reservamos todos nuestros tours con Pato. Pato y su padre proporcionaron una experiencia increíble y desearía que hubiera un Pato en cada lugar que viajamos. Los recorridos fueron en grupos pequeños (de 2 a 3 parejas), extremadamente bien organizados, divertidos, motivadores y simplemente inolvidables. Pato tomó fotografías profesionales en cada uno de los recorridos que se ven increíbles y serán un maravilloso recuerdo de Atacama en los años venideros. Siempre a tiempo, extremadamente informado sobre el área, con bocadillos y refrescos siempre a mano (y un delicioso almuerzo preparado por Pato senior en un recorrido de día completo), Pato superó nuestras expectativas. Recomiendo encarecidamente a Pato para todas sus aventuras en Atacama, ha sido el mejor guía turístico que hemos tenido en Chile.

Betina G  (mar. de 2020) Río de Janeiro, RJ


O que mais me chamou atenção no passeio foi o entusiasmo do Pato filho que possui muito conhecimento sobre a geografia e história do Atacama. O Pato pai é um excelente motorista e cozinheiro. Eu e meu namorado fizemos Lagunas Altiplânicas com outro casal e indicamos demais. Patrício também tira fotos maravilhosas. A única crítica que tenho é que talvez eles demorem muito tempo para responder no Whatsapp. What most caught my attention on the tour was the enthusiasm of Pato Filho, who has a lot of knowledge about the geography and history of Atacama. Pato pai is an excellent driver and cook. My boyfriend and I went to Lagunas Altiplanicas with another couple and we recommended too much. Patrício also takes wonderful pictures. The only thing I have to criticized is that maybe they take too long to answer on Whatsapp.

Marina B P  (ene. de 2020) São Paulo, SP

A melhor versão do deserto do Atacama

Eu e meu marido passamos a semana do ano novo no Atacama e fechamos todos os passeios em um tour privado com os Patrícios (Pato pai e Pato filho). A experiência foi única. O Pato pai é o motorista e um ótimo cozinheiro. O Pato filho, nosso guia e incrível fotógrafo. Ele conhece tudo da história, natureza e cada detalhe do lugar. E para tirar as melhores fotos deita no chão, entra na água e ajuda com as poses. Eles são muito atenciosos e fazem de tudo para atender da melhor maneira possível. Fomos em uma semana em que o Atacama estava cheio, muita gente passando o ano novo no local. Mesmo assim, eles conseguiam nos levar nos horários mais tranquilos para curtirmos ainda mais e fazermos fotos ainda mais incríveis. O deserto do Atacama é lindo, tem paisagens inacreditáveis e os Patrícios conseguiram nos apresentar tudo isso de uma maneira muito mais especial. Só temos a agradecer.

Victor (ene. de 2020) São Paulo, SP


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Nomad364891 (ene. de 2020)

Gran guía turístico más fotógrafo profesional todo en uno

Pasamos 4 días agradables con Pato y su papá. Pato estaba muy bien informado sobre todos los lugares que visitamos, pero para colmo, es un increíble fotógrafo profesional. Tomó toneladas de fotos: sugirió dónde estaban los mejores lugares para obtener las más pintorescas y luego proporcionó un enlace a las fotos unos días después de nuestro viaje. Su inglés es muy bueno, era consciente de llegar a tiempo y volver a tiempo y, a diferencia de algunos de los otros recorridos que realizamos, había sustanciales en los desayunos y almuerzos que se incluían en algunos de sus recorridos. Su padre, Patricio, es su conductor y chef y forman un gran equipo. Conducen una furgoneta VW con capacidad para 10 personas, por lo que no es un autobús de lujo si eso es lo que estás buscando (y desafortunadamente para nosotros el aire acondicionado se rompió el día antes de comenzar los recorridos), pero para nosotros esto fue superado por Pato y su padre. amabilidad y conocimiento, ¡y las hermosas fotos! Pato también tenía experiencia con el mal de altura, brindándonos tés especiales para beber y sabiendo qué hacer cuando uno de nosotros sentía la altitud. ¡Altamente recomendado!

hanmhug (dic. de 2019) Dallas, Texas

Fantastic day in the Altiplano

Our group of 4 did the full-day Altiplano Lagoons tour with Pato and his dad (also Pato!) on 24 November. We loved it so much! Pato has perfected every detail. We started off by visiting the beautiful Laguna Chaxa, which is filled with flamingos. After taking way too many pictures there, we came back to the van to find a wonderful breakfast set up for us that overlooked the lagoon! We then moved on to higher altitude, making a stop along the way in the village of Socaire before arriving at the beautiful Lagunas Miscanti y Miñiques. Later we had a private picnic lunch overlooking a volcano with wine, beer, homemade juice, and the most amazing chicken! Our next stop was Piedra Rojas, which was possibly my favorite but it’s too hard to choose. On our way back to San Pedro, we stopped in Toconao village to get some ice cream and souvenirs. I should also mention that Pato took professional photos of us during the entire trip because he is also a talented photographer. Overall it was a really wonderful day and I hope to go back and do some of the other tours they offer!

JhumJhum (nov. de 2019) Leeds, Reino Unido

Wonderful trips in the Atacama with the dos Patos.

My husband and I took several trips to the geysers, Lagunas, moon valley, rainbow valley etc with Patricio and his father ( also Patricio- hence dos Patos) over a few days .The trips were very well organised and great fun. Patricio was punctual, communication (via WhatsApp) was prompt , the van was comfortable and we never felt rushed. They made us breakfast every day and Patricio senior concocted a delicious herbal infusion daily to ward off altitude sickness. My husband had put in a deposit for astrophotography. Pato was very honest and upfront that conditions were not ideal and offered us a refund. I don’t think many others would have done that. Patricio has huge depth of knowledge of the area including geology , flora and fauna and shares his passion for conservation. While it was not a dedicated photography tour, he provided opportunities for the best possible shots and his knowledge as a professional photographer was very helpful. He took professional pictures of us in all the locations and emailed them to us later- at no additional charge. We had a wonderful time with them and whole heartedly recommend this tour.

Alice escribió (nov. de 2019)

INCRÍVEL! Merecem mais do 5 estrelas!

Meu namorado e eu fizemos 5 passeios com a Volcan Paniri e temos as melhores recordações! Pato filho, além de excelente fotógrafo, é um guia super dedicado e bem informado. E isso faz toda a diferença! Nos passeios, leva até alguns livros para ilustrar as explicações... Pato pai é muito simpático e um excelente e cuidadoso motorista. Juntos, são uma dupla muito simpática e acolhedora. :) Vale mencionar que a comida também é ótima e preparada com muito cuidado. Recomendamos de olhos fechados!

Colin555 (nov. de 2019) Pinner, Reino Unido

Out of this world photo tour!

Pato took my wife and I for a photo tour, driving us for about an hour in the direction of El Tatio high up in mountains. After watching the flamingos at sunset at a laguna near Machuca, we went to a great spot to watch the stars and Milky Way. What a really stunning sky! After some hot drinks and snacks provided by Pato we started to take photos of the night sky. Pato is very knowledgable and experienced and can explain how to take the best photos. He speaks excellent English as well as Spanish. We used his tracker to take some really long low noise shots, and his lighting tools and laser to get some fantastic compositions. He also helped me take some panoramas. Throughout the night he was able to point out new galaxies and constellations that we hadn’t seen before and we took great photos of them. Pato also took some photos with his camera including some of us that will great mementos. We were out for around 7 hours. Pato is very professional but also great fun, and just the guide we wanted. There are a lot of so called photo tours that you could go on, but I think that this must be the best one. A 5 star plus tour!

KAREN (oct. de 2019) Temuco, Chile

Expectativas superadas

Antes de viajar a san Pedro de Atacama buscamos referencias en diferentes plataformas y todas concordaban en que Patricio Osses de “Volcan Paniri” era el mejor por diversas razones, al llegar tratamos de ubicarlo específicamente para tomar el tour astrofotografico, habíamos visto sus fotos y eran increíbles, fuimos hasta la dirección pero ya no estaban ubicados ahí, con poca fe le escribimos a su wzp y nos respondió de inmediato, fue amable y cordial, concretamos el tour solo a través de wzp, nos pasó a buscar al lugar acordado de manera puntual y con una actitud muy alegre, en el tour éramos solo 5 pasajeros (el furgón tiene capacidad para 10, así que es todo súper personalizado y comodo) y él es muy cercano, íbamos con un turista de Inglaterra, Patricio durante todo el tour dio las explicaciones en inglés y español, al llegar al lugar instaló su equipo fotográfico y nos enseñó cómo obtener las mejores fotografías, nos indicó las principales constelaciones y luego nos tomó diversas fotografías, todo sin apuro, con mucha paciencia, utilizó elementos para que las fotografías lucieran excelentes, terminada la sesión de fotos instaló una mesa y compartimos algunos snack, tenia un exquisito chocolate caliente y abrió una botella de vino, todo en completa tranquilidad, se dio espacio de compartir con el grupo mientras instruía en fotografía al turista inglés, nos prestó uno de sus lentes de la cámara fotográfica para que pudiéramos nosotros tomar nuestras propias fotos de la vía láctea. Al regresar nos llevo hasta nuestro hospedaje, y acordamos el envío de las fotos, pasados unos días nos envío a través de email las fotos que nos había tomado. A través de wzp le consultamos sobre algunas dudas técnicas que teníamos con respecto al lente que nos había prestado y fue muy amable y oportuno en responder. Sin duda fue una experiencia maravillosa, totalmente recomendada, si volviéramos a san Pedro sin duda tomaríamos el tour nuevamente, se nota que disfruta lo que hace y eso se transmite a sus clientes. *el cielo de san Pedro es increíble, nadie debería irse de ese lugar sin antes realizar el tour astronómico, vimos muchas estrellas fugaces ✨

md9802 (oct. de 2019) Philadelphia, PA

Amazing astrophotography tour

I went on a night astrophotography tour with Patricio Junior. It was incredible! Patricio was on time with pick up, and drove us out to the altiplano, where you could see the Milky Way with your naked eyes. It was truly breathtaking. Patricio is super friendly. He has great knowledge about the local area, astronomy, and photography. After explaining what we were looking at, Patricio helped me take some of the night photos I’ve ever taken. He knows the best spots to take night photos, and was patient with me and my requests. He was also taking photos, and we'd share our photos with each other as we took them, so it was like being with a friend. Plus he brought some great snacks and hot tea to end the night. Worth every penny!

8Cristiana8 (oct. de 2019) Siena, Italia


Io e mio marito abbiamo scelto Volcan Paniri grazie alle recensioni su Tripadvisor. Non abbiamo preso mai in considerazione di fare tour ad Atacama con altre agenzie e abbiamo acquistato il pacchetto completo... abbiamo avuto ragione! La professionalità di Pato e suo padre sono ineguagliabili ma soprattutto la passione per la loro terra e l'amore che ci mettono nel loro lavoro rendono l'esperienza unica. Non ci sono parole per descrivere quanto per noi questo viaggio sia stato indimenticabile anche grazie a Pato e rivedere le stupende foto che ci ha inviato quando siamo tornati ci ha fatto scendere una lacrima. Scegliete questa agenzia! abbiate pazienza se le risposte arrivano un po' tardi ma Pato e suo padre lavorano da soli e danno il meglio di loro in ogni occasione! sono due persone speciali che vale la pena incontrare nella vita! Grazie di tutto e un forte abbraccio!

Yu Hin T (sep. de 2019)

Excellent photography tour in San Pedro

My mum and i visited San Pedro de Atacama in mid-August with a private tour organized by Pato. We were really impressed by his guiding, with his knowledge in the local area, and his knowledge in photography not only helps us taking better photos, but also taking some excellent photos that has sent us back via Google Drive. Pato is also an individual that cares about the development of the Atacama area, as he feared the natural beauty will be washed away by the uranium production. He is going to produce a short movie on it. One of the best ways to support the environment of Atacama and his project would be to sign for his tours.

LuKx (ago. de 2019)

Simplesmente espetacular!

Fizemos passeios com "os Patrícios" durante 4 dias no Atacama. Foram dias espetaculares, onde os nossos guias sempre se mostraram muito solícitos a explicar, apresentar, cozinhar, fotografar e nos fazer sentir os mais confortáveis possível. Tudo que experienciamos foi memorável e, quando achavam que os passeios poderiam não ter o retorno esperado, nos faziam propostas melhores para ajustarmos nossos roteiros. Recomendo fortemente os Patos! Tivemos os melhores passeios por conta de seus serviços. Como já disseram em outros comentários, parem de procurar. Eu havia feito cotação com mais de 40 empresas. Os preços, em 85% das vezes, eram maiores. Os outros 15% estavam muito próximos dos valores cobrados pela Volcan Paniri. Os diferenciais da Volcan Paniri compensam qualquer diferença que encontrem. Refeições servidas com muito carinho, fartura e com bebidas de qualidade + fotografias que o próprio Patrício filho se dispõe a fazê-las = diferenciais que qualquer outra empresa vai oferecer. Só temos a agradecer!

South_Taro (ago. de 2019) Singapur, Singapur


親子で行なっているアタカマ砂漠のツアーで、観光名所に関する詳細な情報から、現地の歴史や地質学の説明をわかりやすい英語で丁寧にしてくれる。特にお勧めは、満天の星空の写真を撮って貰えるツアーで、様々なポースヤ角度の写真を見事なプロ並みの技術で撮ってくれる。 This is a father-son run operation. We did this tour in English and it was very excellently done with good explanations of history and geology of the Atacama desert area. I think that the biggest differentiator is the night tour since the photos of the stars cannot be easily taken and requires their expert techniques though that is not to diminish the other tours (we did the Taito Geysers with them, which was also great).

Sean O (ago. de 2019)

Best Way to Explore the Atacama

My wife and I spent a few days in San Pedro de Atacama as part of a trip through Chile and Argentina on our way to see the total solar eclipse. We both enjoy photography, and we were looking for a tour company offering private tours so we could travel at our own pace and spend as much time as we’d like photographing all the spectacular scenery of the Atacama Desert. Volcan Paniri Tours was exactly what we were looking for! We spent 2 full days with the father/son team of Patricio and Patricio visiting and photographing Moon Valley, the Lagunas Altiplanicas, the El Taito geyser field, and Rainbow Valley. We also spent an evening in Rainbow Valley shooting astrophotography under some of the clearest skies you can imagine. Not only is Patricio Junior a talented professional photographer, he is also very knowledgeable about the geology, history, and culture of the Atacama. Patricio Senior was the driver, and we felt very safe in his hands. He prepared a home-cooked dinner our first day that was one of the best meals of our entire trip. He also has a keen eye for spotting the local wildlife. Both Patricios are friendly and hospitable, and we really enjoyed our time with them. We only wish we could have had more hours in the day and more time in San Pedro so we could explore even more with them! One of the best things about taking a tour with Volcan Paniri is that Patricio Junior takes photos of you throughout and shares them with you after your tour. Sometimes when my wife and I are traveling, we have a hard time getting photos of us together because we’re so focused on our own photography, so traveling with a professional photographer who could take photos of us was really special. I highly recommended Volcan Paniri Tours to anyone who wants a unique, personalized tour of an extraordinary part of the world.

Craig C (jul. de 2019) Astoria, Estado de Nueva York

Great trip with Pato!

My group of 4 just got back from a great trip with Pato. Our itinerary included Mars Valley, Moon Valley, Altiplanic Lagoons and more (and airport transfers). Pato and his father made the trip feel like we were travelling with our friends. The custom nature of the tour allowed us to spend as much time as we like at certain sites. We were never rushed to leave a place we were enjoying. Pato is a professional photographer and took plenty of amazing photos and even had them ready for us within a day of finishing the tour. We were even treated to a great roadside picnic cooked by Pato Sr, which was one of our favorite meals of the whole trip! Overall, highly recommended for anyone coming to explore the Atacama Desert!

Melissa C (jul. de 2019) San José, Costa Rica

Mi viaje al desierto

Llegamos al aeropuerto de Calama y desde allí todo empezó a ir bastante bien, nos fueron a recoger súper puntual. El otro día tuvimos tour de todo el día, el almuerzo fue de nota 10, la atención en el viaje, los datos que nos daba Patricio hijo eran muy interesantes. El siguiente día también tuvimos tour y estuvo tan bonito ir al valle de la luna (: El desayuno que nos dieron fue demasiado variado y rico, dan un té especial y tartaletas deliciosas. De verdad quede fascinada y muy feliz, lo recomiendo por mucho.

tom c (may. de 2019) kilkenny

The Best...

Patricio and Patricio Senior were the guide/hosts.A fantastic day with really interesting people. Very professional but very personal, Patricio was there as someone who obviously loves the job with a passion . Everywhere was explained with a serious level of erudition and ability. He knew his geology and botany intimately.Photos taken on the day were edited and mailed, beautifully done. Senior was driver and chef and the meal was a delight, tasty and generous...as was the wine and beer. Tour was well paced and the small numbers added to the friendliness of the day. Great experiences, fine education and information and a genuinely nice crew / hosts ....a memorable day. Absolutely recommended.

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